Somali teens randomnly attacking people in Saint Paul, MN

Filed under:Culture War,War on Terror — posted by Jack on 8/19/2010 @ 6:09 pm

Naturally, anyone who objects to this will be branded “racist”.

What about all the Norwegian, Swede and Danish teens who are out there attacking people on the street? They go to those Lutheran churches and learn all about how Lutherans are superior and will someday rule the world, that all non-Lutherans must either convert, die or submit to being second class citizens.

Yeah, the real problem here is race. (that’s sarcasm, folks). Minnesota, like the Netherlands, made the mistake of thinking that everyone is like them, that if they welcome strangers, show kindness, everything will work out fine.

Instead, they have allowed a toxic ideology to gain a foothold, and like the Netherlands, they are learning that not everyone plays nice. The sad thing is, Minnesotans are so warm and friendly, they make a perfect target.

Islam does not view that as valuable, but as vulnerability: folowers of Islam see Midwestern gentleness as yet another sign that Islam rightly deserves to displace weaker, corrupt world views.

A nice kafir is still a kafir – he’s just easier to bully and intimidate.

Here’s hoping there is still some backbone left in Minnesota.

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