TomCat and Suppressed Bolt Gun

Filed under:Gaming,Shooting Sports — posted by 3wire on 5/8/2005 @ 11:35 pm

Team Phyrfight routinely de-geekafies at the range.AICS

Here TomCat gets some practice with a 308 caliber Remington 700, in an Accuracy International AICS chassis system, Nightforce 5.5-22×56 scope with NPR2 reticle, Jet Titanium suppressor, The action was trued and tactical bolt handle added by Texas Brigade Armory. TomCat shoots quarter MOA groups at 100 yards with this rifle and can hold sub-minute groups beyond 500 yards. On a recent trip to the 1000-yard range both Maverick and Q Ball took turns knocking down a ten-inch plate at that distance. Maverick was shooting a Remington 700 similar to this one but Q Ball was shooting an AR-10, not bad for a gas gun.

Student suspended for cellphone call from mom in Iraq

Filed under:Bill of Rights,Technology,War on Terror — posted by Q Ball on 5/7/2005 @ 12:46 am

Student suspended for cellphone call from mom in Iraq – Engadget – /

Broadcast Flag Overturned!

Filed under:Technology — posted by Q Ball on 5/6/2005 @ 6:52 pm

D.C Circuit Court of Appeals finds in favor of the people! Archivists rejoice.

More at Copyfight

DivX Hardware

Filed under:Technology — posted by 3wire on @ 3:07 pm

In case you have been living in a technology black hole and don’t know that the DivX codec is the coolest thing happing to video these days, you should know that there is even DivX compatible hardware available, including DVD players. Check this one out.

Raven 42 – Ambushed in Iraq

Filed under:War on Terror — posted by 3wire on 5/5/2005 @ 6:40 pm

This happened back in March but it didn’t get nearly enough exposure considering the remarkable job these National Guard soldiers did.

Short Version:
National Guard soldiers from the Richmond, Ky.-based 617th Military Police Company get ambushed. Remember theses are weekend warriors (obviously well trained and highly motivated).

Seven Americans (with three wounded) killed in total 24 heavily armed enemy, wounded 6 (two later died), and captured one unwounded, who feigned injury to escape the fight. They seized 22 AK-47s, 6x RPG launchers w/ 16 rockets, 13x RPK machineguns, 3x PKM machineguns, 40 hand grenades, 123 fully loaded 30-rd AK magazines, 52 empty mags, and 10 belts of 2500 rds of PK ammo.

Of the 7 members of Raven 42 who walked away, two are Caucasian Women, the rest men-one is Mexican-American, the medic is African-American, and the other two are Caucasian-the great American melting pot.

Get the whole story from Black Five.

Al Qaeda’s No. 3 Caught

Filed under:War on Terror — posted by Q Ball on 5/4/2005 @ 11:05 pm

Pakistan has arrested the third in command. Full story

We continue to get closer to Bin Laden and bring all Islamo-Fascists to sweet justice. Slowly and methodically we will wipe them from the face of the earth.

Do not ever forget 9-11-2001

Florida Castle Doctrine Bill

Filed under:Bill of Rights — posted by 3wire on @ 1:58 pm


On April 26, Governor Jeb Bush SIGNED SB-436, “Castle Doctrine” into law (Chapter No. 2005-27) It takes effect on October 1, 2005.

A great deal of erroneous information has been written, published and spoken about Florida’s new “Castle Doctrine” bill.

Claims that the new law will turn Florida into the Wild West are not only an insult to intelligent people but give a patently false portrait of what the bill actually does.

The Florida “Castle Doctrine” bill does basically three things:

One: It establishes, in law, the presumption that a criminal who forcibly enters or intrudes into your home or occupied vehicle is there to cause death or great bodily harm, therefore a person may use any manner of force, including deadly force, against that person.

Two: It removes the “duty to retreat” if you are attacked in any place you have a right to be. You no longer have to turn your back on a criminal and try to run when attacked. Instead, you may stand your ground and fight back, meeting force with force, including deadly force, if you reasonably believe it is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm to yourself or others.

Three: It provides that persons using force authorized by law shall not be prosecuted for using such force.

It also prohibits criminals and their families from suing victims for injuring or killing the criminals who have attacked them.

In short, it gives rights back to law-abiding people and forces judges and prosecutors who are prone to coddling criminals to instead focus on protecting victims.

Letter to al-Zarqawi cites low morale

Filed under:War on Terror — posted by 3wire on 5/3/2005 @ 2:26 pm

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — The U.S. military said Tuesday it has seized a letter from Iraqi insurgents believed to be intended for Jordanian-born militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi complaining about low morale among followers and weakening support for the insurgency.

Rest of article

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