Is Science Fiction Getting A Bad Rap?

Filed under:General — posted by Q Ball on 4/13/2007 @ 5:01 pm

There is an interesting article on which discusses the new faux pas of labeling a work of art “science fiction”. I understand that a good amount of science fiction is poorly done and gives the genre a bad name, but science fiction done well can introduce us to new and thought provoking ideas. I can’t understand why a director/writer/author would shy away from the label “science fiction”. Battlestar Galactica producer Ron Moore himself doesn’t like to use that label. I have news for him, whether or not he likes the label BSG is science fiction as well as drama. What BSG does that not many shows can do is use science fiction as a pre-text to get viewers to watch an extremely well done TV drama. As many critics have said before it is the best show on television.

Now a word about bad scifi. Those who continue to watch bad science fiction are part of the problem. Fans should demand science fiction that is well done and not watch science fiction just for the sake of watching science fiction. Science fiction fans as a community should expect the same level of quality in a show or movie that every other genre has.